Balayage remains one of the most client requested services, but it takes more than one trick to create all the looks you see on social media. In this course, you will gain confidence to use all the key techniques that will allow you to customize the perfect look for each client. This hands-on seminar includes demonstrations and interactive workshops covering key lessons including placement patterns, blending techniques, creative toning and so much more.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this two-day seminar:
• How to combine foils and freehand painting for a complete "Balayage Look”.
• The differences in color melting and root shadowing.
• How to soften/break the base for a seamless blend.
• Proper methods for back combing and diffusing highlights.
• The mechanics for the perfect balayage application of lightener.
If you are on the journey to becoming Wella Certified, please be sure you have taken the required Insider Tier of seminars prior to signing up for this course.